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Extracurricular Activities and Athletics

Warrior Run provides a fine program of extracurricular, interscholastic and intramural programs in the schools.  Students can participate in activities such as band, Student Council, chorus, or in a sport such as football, basketball, and track.  Students need to meet academic eligibility requirements in order to participate.  Absence from school also effects participation. 

Any absence from school on the day of a public appearance or game, without the approval of the principal, as in cases of college appointments, etc., will make the student ineligible to participate.  If the appearance is on a weekend or during vacation day, the student must be in school Friday or the last day of school before vacation.  A student who is illegally absent or unexcused from school will not be allowed to participate in the next public appearance of the activity or sport. 


Image result for academics ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY

A student must be passing four full credits during the preceding marking period in order to participate.  A student who is ineligible may not participate for 10 school days beginning with the day report cards are issued.  Then grades will be checked to determine eligibility every week until the next grades are issued.  A student who is ineligible may practice but may not dress in uniform or participate until he or she is eligible again. 


All students who participate in sports, bands, or cheer leading must pay a $20.00 activity fee at the beginning of the sporting season.  This is a one time fee for the year.