The Warrior Run Cyber Academy, partnering with EdOptions and Educere, offers part-time and full-time cyber options for students living in the Warrior Run School District. Students who complete this program may participate in district clubs, athletics, or events organized by the district. Upon successful completion of the requirements of the program, students receive a Warrior Run High School Diploma and may participate in graduation as a Warrior Run student.
Advantages: | Reasons people choose to attend cyber: | |
More information about this may be accessed through the slideshow here.
An overview video showing what EdOptions (grades 6-12) looks like from a student perspective is here.
To enroll your child, please click this link and complete the form. We will reach out to you to schedule an appointment. Thank you!
For more information, contact:
Theresa Bartholomew
Director of Educational Programs
570-649-5138 ext 5002