The Warrior Run School District encourages community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, does not conflict with school activities, and is not detrimental to the purpose of schools. Residents, staff members, and community groups can make facility use requests by following the steps below:
CLICK HERE if you already have an account and would like to login.
Creating a User Account and Associated Group (video)
Community User Quick Start Guide (pdf)
Making a Request Using ML Schedules (video)
General Guidelines
- School groups and programs are given priority usage of all District facilities. The building principal reserves the right to cancel any permits for school use, should a conflict with school groups or programs develop.
- Applications will not be processed without all completed information, including the certificate of insurance. The School District requires all non-school groups (except when these groups are requesting space for routine meetings) to furnish a Certificate of Insurance that lists the Warrior Run School District as "Additional Insured."
- Users will be billed after the event in accordance with the schedule of usage fee or rental charges. In addition to the facility rental fees, renters may also pay fees for custodial, cafeteria, and light/sound technician services and other fees associated with the rental. All checks should be made payable to the Warrior Run School District. Do not pay the staff member directly.
- The group using school facilities is responsibile for providing adequate supervision of the activity. The user is not permitted to enter into any area other than those areas identified in the reservation.
- Organizations and groups using school facilities must designate one adult member of its group to be in charge of and responsible for the program or activity at the time application for use of the facilities is made.
- The Warrior Run School District reserves the right to request an organization to arrange for security protection, activity personnel and/or traffic supervision. Such requests will be at the discretion of Administration and at the expense of the lessee. All personnel shall be those who have been approved by the Warrior Run Board of Education.
- Smoking, use of tobacco products and/or illegal drugs and alcohol is prohibited on all school property (indoor or outdoor). If this provision is violated, the renting organization will be denied the privilege of any further rental for the remainder of school year.
- On days when school is cancelled or dismissed early because of unexpected circumstances (i.e. severe weather), all activities are cancelled.
- No organized groups are permitted to use the School District's athletic fields or indoor facilities without prior approval. Only Warrior Run School District teams may use the Stadium and/or any Gymnasium for practice sessions, unless special permission is granted by the High School Principal or designee.
- Please read the Regulations for Use of District Facilities INTERNAL_LINK for additional information regarding facility usage in the Warrior Run School District.
Facility Use Fees INTERNAL_LINK - non-school groups may be assessed a rental fee to help defray staff and/or energy costs associated with the facility rental. |
Real Time Facility Use Calendar- use this link to see if the facility you want to use is available. (coming soon) | |