570-649-5138 x5006
The Warrior Run School District partners with Murray Transportation, which is a Turbotville based company. Murray Transportation transports over 1,500 students using 21 buses and 14 vans, driving nearly 1,200 miles per day for a total of 212,580 miles annually.
Transportation is provided for pupils in full-day kindergarten through grade 12 in both public and non-public schools as required by law.
Any student whose behavior is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or who refuses to follow directions may be denied the privilege of riding the school bus.
If you have questions or concerns about bus behavior, please contact the Buildings Principal
It is recommended that students arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
Please keep in mind that buses may not always arrive on time due to adverse weather conditions or traffic delays.
Please note that transportation changes may take up to five business days to complete.
Guidelines for student transportation have been revised. Please refer to student handbooks for details.
Parent Pickup and Dropoff Locations
We need everyone's cooperation in recognizing and abiding by the traffic patterns and rules to keep our students safe.
Please note the following pick-up and drop-off points for each school. Dropping off and picking up students anywhere else is unsafe for them and other students.
A reminder that cars are not allowed in the bus lane 30 minutes prior to dismissal times.
Warrior Run Elementary School AM Drop off
Doors will open: at 7:50am
1. Parent/Guardians will enter the bACK Parking lot FROM SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL.
3. Please remain in your vehicle. A staff member will wave for children to exit the
vehicle. We will be there to help students open and close the doors if needed.
4. Once the staff has confirmed all students are safely on the sidewalk, the staff
member in front will direct the cars to exit.
5. Vehicles must exit back onto SUSQUEHANNA TRAIL.
Warrior Run Elementary School PM Pick up
1. Park in the lot next to the school (located next
to the softball/baseball fields).
2. Walk to the entrance shown on the diagram. Students
last name starting with A-L will be dismissed from #5
and M-Z will be dismissed from #6. (If you have more
than 1 child and there are different last names, we will
release from the door of the youngest's last name).
3. Wait in line to give the staff member your
child/children's name(s).
4. A staff member will begin to release children
at 2:50pm.
5. Your students will come out to meet you.
6. Please note that vehicles must exit onto
Warrior Run Blvd.
Warrior Run JR/SR School AM Drop off and Pick up
1. Parent/Guardians will enter the back Student parking lot off of Warrior run blvd in a single line.
2. Students will exit the vehicle and enter the JR/SR HS.
3. Once it is clear to go you will follow the traffic pattern around to the exit
4. Vehicles must exit back onto Warrior Run Blvd.
Transportation FAQ's
After submitting the babysitting transportation request form, how will you be notified if it has been approved?
After the babysitting forms are reviewed and approved, your child's bus stop location and pickup/drop-off times will be displayed in their Sapphire account, where their busing information is shown. If the request is denied, the school will notify you by email or phone.
The bus drives right past my house. Can it stop at my house?
Though we regularly receive requests for home bus stops, we primarily use community stops to streamline routes, shorten ride times, decrease stops to reduce accidents, and limit red light runners. We do permit home stops in select cases involving safety or other extenuating circumstances that community stops cannot accommodate, but only approve these on a limited basis.
I can’t watch my child (or see my student walking) get on the bus from my home. Can the stop be at my home?
Community bus stops are created for safety and efficient routes. While we know some parents want to watch their child get on or off the bus, community stops may not allow for that. Parents can walk with their student to the stop or coordinate with neighbors or neighborhood watches to observe students at the stops and boarding the bus.
How far may a student be asked to walk to a school bus stop?
Pennsylvania law permits school districts to require students, regardless of age, to walk up to 1.5 miles to reach their bus stop. The distance is measured along public roads and does not factor in private lanes or walkways near students' homes. Districts aim to keep walking distances reasonable for all grade levels, considering safety of roads and stops, student age, and other parameters. However, weather, heavy backpacks, musical instruments, and similar factors are not considered when locating bus stops.
For additional safety precautions, the district does consult with the bus contractors and local police to determine if a bus stop location is unsafe.
What time should I have my child at the bus stop and how long should we wait at the stop after a scheduled pickup time?
Students must be at their designated bus stop at least ten (10) minutes before the scheduled pickup time. Late arrivals can delay the entire route. If the bus has not arrived ten (10) minutes after the scheduled time, students should wait at least ten (10) more minutes, as buses may run late due to traffic, rerouting, or other students not being ready. Please refrain from calling the office about a late bus within the ten-minute grace period.
Students need to wait at the bus stop location, not inside their homes, garages, or cars. Buses cannot wait for students to emerge from buildings, which impacts the route schedule and other students. Adhering to pickup times helps ensure buses run on time.
Why are there only a few students on some buses while my child’s bus is crowded?
Decisions on each bus route are made using information from school registration, prior similar routes, and Department of Transportation data. Most routes are finalized in late summer, with adjustments expected during the first weeks of school. Ensuring equal student numbers on every route is sometimes not feasible.
My child goes to a daycare provider before and/or after school. Will he/she be provided transportation?
Transportation will be provided if the daycare is within the school district. Each student is allowed one pickup and one drop-off location. For example, a student could be picked up at home in the morning and dropped off at daycare in the afternoon, if the daycare is on a regular bus route. This may require the student to ride two different buses - one to school and one after school.
To request a transportation change, submit a Babysitting Request for Transportation form at least one week before the desired start date. The request requires district approval before transportation changes can begin.
All childcare transportation requests must be for five consistent days per week, Monday through Friday.
There is a split custody agreement for my student. Can they be assigned to two different buses?
As long as both parents live in the Warrior Run Area School District, the student can ride the bus to either home. However, parents and students are responsible for keeping track of custody schedules and determining the appropriate bus each day. For elementary students, we recommend providing the teacher with the custody schedule.
Why were bus stops eliminated/changed?
Bus routes and stops are reviewed every year for safety and efficiency and can change. Stops may be added or removed based on factors like the number of students at a particular stop, walking distance, or other reasons.
Why does my child have to cross the road to board the bus?
We cannot route all buses so that children board on the side where they live. Children should wait on their side of the street. The bus will stop traffic in all directions so students can cross safely when the lights flash and the stop sign extends. Before crossing, children should make eye contact with the driver. Review crossing procedures with your child, and remind them to watch for traffic while crossing.
Can my child ride home on another bus?
If your child needs to ride a different bus due to an emergency, please provide a note to the school secretary with your child's full name, grade, regular bus number, the full name and bus number of the student they need to ride home with, the address of the stop or home they will be going to, and the date(s) they need to ride the alternate bus. The secretary must approve the note before your child can ride the requested bus.
My child carries a large musical instrument. Can it be carried on the bus?
Since many buses are filled to capacity with students, there is limited space for large items like musical instruments or athletic gear. On days when your child needs to transport oversized items that cannot fit on their lap, please arrange alternate transportation to school for them.
If there is an incident involving my child's school bus or van, am I permitted to take custody of my child at the scene?
No, students must remain at the scene unless instructed by a school administration official or medical aid is required. Students should remain on the bus unless the situation requires emergency evacuation.