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Title I Services

Warrior Run Elementary School offers a Schoolwide Title I program. Title I is a federally-funded program designed to support the academic growth of all students. The funds generated through the Title I grant are targeted to ensure that all students have access to supplemental instruction in reading and math, research-based instructional strategies and assessments, and highly qualified teachers. 

Our Title I staff consists of five reading specialists and two interventionists. These staff members work with classroom teachers to support and instruct struggling students, as determined by standard assessments, running records, and teacher observations. This is a fluid program that provides academic support to any student needing it at any time throughout the school year. 

Academic assessment, interventions and supports include:

  • Benchmark reading assessment (DIBELs/Acadience) of all students three times a year to monitor their reading level,

  • Research-based intervention programs such as Fundations, Funemics, RAVE-O, Read Naturally, Wilson Reading System, and 95% Comprehension and Vocabulary to help improve reading skills like vocabulary, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension,

  • Individual and classroom push-in support for struggling learners who require support beyond our intervention programs,

  • Additional, small group support in pull-out and push-in programs for students struggling in our Everyday Math program, including Spring Math, Connecting Math Concepts, and Touch Math,

  • Parent communication and resources to support students’ reading and math at home.

If you have any questions about our Title I program, please contact Michael Freeborn or Wendy Arnold, the Principals or Theresa Bartholomew, the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Michael Freeborn,, extension 1000

Wendy Arnold,, extension 1001

Theresa Bartholomew,, extension 5002



Title I Parent Handbook

Right to Know

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Title I Complaint Form