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Special Education Services

 Director: Mrs. Amanda Velte,


The Warrior Run School District provides a full range of meaningful programs aimed at meeting the special needs of exceptional children.  The district in conjunction with the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit has developed policies in accordance with federal and state regulations and guidelines to insure that students receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.  Parents of exceptional children receive a written copy of these rights as part of the guaranteed due process afforded children with exceptionalities.  Individuals may review a copy of these rights available through the special education office. 

Students in the Warrior Run School District receive services through a combination of district operated programs and services contracted through the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit and neighboring school districts.  Special education is designed to meet the needs of each exceptional student, including specially designed instruction conducted in the classroom, home, community settings, hospitals, and other appropriate settings. 

Related services available to students include transportation, developmental, corrective and other support services to help an exceptional student benefit from a special education program.  Examples include: speech pathology and audiology; occupational and physical therapy, vision support services; and psycho-educational evaluation. 

Special education services are available to children who qualify in accordance with the state and federal regulations and have one or more of the following physical or mental disabilities: autism; deaf-blindness; deafness/hearing impairment; emotional disturbance; intellectual disability; specific learning disability; speech and language impairment; blindness/visual impairment; multiple disabilities; orthopedic impairment; other health impairments; or traumatic brain injury.  Furthermore, these children must be determined to be in need of special education based upon recommendations resulting from a multidisciplinary evaluation. 

Children who qualify for special education services go through a process of screening or evaluation.  If a disability is suspected parents, teachers, or other school personnel may refer a child for a screening or evaluation by contacting the principal or the district special education office. 

Parents who suspect that their child has a disability; or parents of children who have questions regarding their child's program should immediately contact the school.  Detailed information regarding parents rights and special education services and programs are available from the school district upon request.


What is Special Education?

Special education is specially-designed instruction, provided at no cost to the parents, which meets the unique needs of a child with a disability.  Specially-designed instruction means that the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction is adapted to meet a child's specialized needs that result from a disability.  The instruction helps the child access the general education curriculum so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to all children.

Pennsylvania adopted Part 300 of IDEA as part of their Chapter 14 PA Regulations.  A copy of the side by side version of Chapter 14 and Part 300 of IDEA can be found on the PaTTAN website by clicking on the following link:

Does Your Child Need Special Education?

Your child may be eligible for special education if he or she:

  • Has a disability as defined by IDEA 2004
  • Requires specially-designed instruction

Your child must meet both criteria in order to be eligible for special education.

There are 13 separate disability categories in IDEA.  There are three major types of disorders:

  1. Sensory Disabilities - such as visual impairments, hearing impairments, deaf-blindness
  2. Physical and Neurological Disabilities - such as orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, autism
  3. Developmental Disabilities - such as specific learning disabilities (SLD), speech and language impairments, emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities and developmental delay

As a parent, you certainly understand your child and want the best for him or her.  In determining how best to help your child succeed in school, you may have questions or concerns about the progress your child is making.  If you feel your child is not making sufficient progress and you have discussed your concerns with their teachers and guidance counselors and have been informed about the district MTSS process and procedures, you may then request that you child be evaluated for additional services.  A permission to evaluate (PTE) will be issued for your signature.  Once the district receives the PTE with you signature they have 60 days to complete the evaluation.

Amanda Velte

Special Education Director

4800 Susquehanna Trail

Turbotville, PA 17772

570-649-5138 ext 5011




PA Alternate Assessment Update, January 2020 ~

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires Pennsylvania to ensure that the total number of students assessed in each subject using the PASA does not exceed one percent of the total number of all students in the state assessed on the statewide assessments. Each local educational agency (LEA) must complete and submit the PASA 1.0 Percent Participation Threshold Justification to BSE if it anticipates that more than 1.0 % of its students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 11 will be assessed using the PASA. A list of LEAs who anticipate exceeding the threshold will be made publicly available on the PDE website, in accordance with 34 CFR 200.6 (c)(3) regulations.  LEAs must also make the document publicly available upon request, removing any personally identifiable information. The Warrior Run School District anticipates exceeding the 1.0 percent threshold for PASA participation for the 2019-20 testing cycle.  The necessary justification information has been submitted to the Bureau of Special Education.  Questions on the Warrior Run School District participation rates should be directed to Amanda Velte, Special Education Supervisor,, 570-649-5138 ext. 5010