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             Food & Nutrition Services

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Food & Nutrition Services Director: Jonathan Hall,


Jr/Sr High December Menu

Elem December Menu

Jr/Sr High January Menu

Elem January Menu

Nutrition Information


Welcome to Warrior Run Food Services!  We aim to provide delicious, healthy meals daily which conform to the National School Breakfast and School Lunch Guidelines. 

We continue to provide whole grain-rich and low-fat offerings as well as a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Each school has at least three entree options available daily. Students are able to select unflavored and flavored milk to complete their meal. As always, we aim to create menus that will be appealing to our student's taste preferences while providing balances nutrition. 

All a la carte food and beverages sold at our schools meet Smart Snacks guidelines for schools. 


Through Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) all breakfast and lunch meals are




We continue to offer you 3 OPTIONAL meal services through on the link below):

1)  Pay online!  Use your credit card or electronic check to pay for your child's meals online  (*please note that there is a $2.49 convenience fee charged per transaction which is a required fee by the credit card processing regulations.  Warrior Run School District does NOT receive any of the convenience fees)  Please also remember that it may take 24 hours for your online payment to show up on your child's account.    You may also continue to pay using cash or check (written out to Warrior Run Food Service) at your child's cafeteria.                                  

2)  Free!! See what your child is eating  You can check online what your child has been eating for the past 30 days.  If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to limit what your child may purchase, please contact Beth Hufnagel at 570-649-2005 or

3)  Free!! Receive email "Low Account Notifications" You may set up your email account at home or work to receive notification of when your child's meal account balance is low (you will be able to set up the low amount at which it will notify you.  We recommend that you set the low notification balance to be at least equal to 2-3 meals to help prevent IOUs from occurring)

**You DO NOT have to pay online in order to use the other 2 free services of viewing your child's account and receiving email low account notifications.  Anyone may use those no matter how they pay for their child's meals.**  All these things must be done through


You can obtain your student(s) 5 digit ID number from sapphire to set-up access to the online mySchoolBucks account by contacting

Jonathan Hall at 570-649-2005 or 




*Schools or families may use any of the following methods to locate sites that serve free meals to children during the summer:
• Call 211
• Call 1.866.3Hungry (1-866-348-6479) or 1.877.8Hambre (1-877-842-6273)
• Text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 during the summer months
• Text “SUMMER MEALS” or “VERANO” to 914-342-7744.
• Use the website:
• Use the site locator for smartphones -