Welcome to the Warrior Run School District
Curriculum Page
Theresa Bartholomew
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
570-649-5138 x5002
The links below will take you to various district resources, providing quick access to curriculum maps, supplementary resources, featured curricular programs, district-wide data presentations, the Warrior Run Cyber Academy, and federal programs hosted at Warrior Run.
Please see below the website and documents related to the 2024 PSSA and Keystone test administration.
Curriculum development in the District is a continual and dynamic process making an effective academic program of studies available to our students. Various content areas are at different levels of the design, implementation and evaluation stages of curriculum development. The following is a listing of the various stages in the curriculum development process. This cycle is a guide and may be impacted and changed based on assessment data and the needs of our students.
1. Research Phase—During this phase, teachers will gather research, examine student performance data, visit schools with quality programs, attend related training, conduct surveys where appropriate, review pilot materials, review the current curriculum guides, share this information with stakeholders and set the direction for the curriculum for the next five years.
2. Pilot/Write Phase—During this phase, teachers may pilot different programs, strategies and materials they are considering for implementation, receive training on the Understanding By Design curriculum writing process, review and propose textbooks for adoption and write the revised curriculum using curriculum management software.The curriculum will be developed by unit and will include: appropriate grade level(s), length of course, vocabulary, textbooks and supplemental materials, the standards being addressed, essential questions, objectives, assessments, instructional strategies/procedures and differentiation.
3. Implementation—During this phase, teachers will implement the new curriculum, monitoring strengths and needs of the curriculum and/or materials throughout the year.
4. Monitoring—During this phase, teachers will implement modifications that they observed as areas of need from the implementation phase. Curriculum writers will make these changes within the curriculum software (if available) and monitor the results.
5. Continue to monitor—During this phase, the monitoring continues and departments may meet to identify any areas that may need additional support or revision.
6. Evaluation—During this phase, teachers will evaluate the impact of their curriculum on student achievement, examining standardized test scores, AP/SAT data and common/local assessments in preparation for the beginning of their curriculum cycle the following year.
2024 PSSA and Keystone Information for Parents