The Warrior Run School District, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Health, has established a functioning Student Assistance Program at the middle and high school levels.
The purpose of the Student Assistance Program is to identify high risk teenagers who are having school-related problems because of alcohol and drug use or who are at risk of suicide and other mental health problems. It is also a method for intervening and referring these students to appropriate community services. It is an intervention, not a treatment or discipline.
The school board limits the obligation of the district to identification, referral and educational support services. Payment for treatment will always be the responsibility of the family.
Peer Helpers are a state and nationwide organization dedicated to helping others. Both the middle school and the high school have peer helper programs. Students are selected because they are people who care about others and are easy to talk to. A training program in the summer prepared the helpers in listening skills, discussion techniques, and confidentiality. The aim of the program is to provide support for students who may be facing difficult decisions and stresses, and to allow students another avenue for help in dealing with those problems.
If a student begins to have difficulty in a subject, it is recommended that the student meet with the teacher to get individual help. In the high school, time is available during period one on days one, three and five, and during activity periods on days two and four. For additional assistance, the student may also work with a student tutor.
The student tutor program has been in existence for several years, and members of the National Honor Society and the Peer Helpers are all active in the program. In addition, many other students donate time to help others in specific subject areas. the keys to success in student tutoring are the students desire for help, and his/her willingness to keep tutoring appointments on a regular basis.
High school students are also able, within scheduling limits, to tutor students at the middle or elementary schools. Coordination of intra-school tutoring is handled by the guidance office.