The school health programs are the responsibility of the school nurses. The nurses provide ongoing preventative and emergency care for our students, as well as the following duties:
- maintain current medical records on all students
- make home visits for health education and/or unexplained medical absences
- organize immunization clinics and physical/dental examinations for students
Students who are injured at school or become ill must secure a pass or other permission from their teacher before reporting to the health office. If the nurse is not present, the student should report to the school office. The nurse or the office will then decide whether a parent or guardian should be contacted to pick up the student. Students are not permitted to call home to have someone come to get them. Also, injuries or illness occurring at home are not the responsibility of the school nurse and should be cared for by the parent or guardian.
If a student is ill, running a fever, or more seriously injured, please do not send them to school!
All students must have a first aide authorization form on file at the school, listing their name, home address, telephone number, the name of the family physician, and the hospital of choice. Any illness that the school should be aware of are to be listed as well. this form requires the signature of a parent or guardian, and authorizes the school personnel to use their judgment in an emergency requiring the attention of a doctor, a dentist, or the services of a hospital.
Students who are required to take any medicine during school hours must have a physician's order, which must include the student's name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the frequency with which the medicine is to be given. Also, a written request from the parent or guardian is required prior to administering the medication. A renewal order for the medication is needed on file at the beginning of each new school year. Medication must be in it's original container, properly labeled by the physician or pharmacy. Students are not permitted to carry pills or any medication during school hours.
Students who show symptoms of illness that are transmittable to others are not allowed to attend school. Children with symptoms such are red eyes, head lice, sore throats, or unusual skin eruptions will be excluded from school until deemed non-infective by the school nurse or a physician. Students receiving medication for strep throat should be on the medication for 24 hors before returning to school.
All students are required to have a certificate of immunization on file before attending school. the immunizations required are as follows:
- 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine
3 or more doses of oral polio vaccine
- 3 or more doses of tetanus diphtheria vaccine
- 1 dose of rubella vaccine ( German Measles)
- 1 dose of measles vaccine
- 1 dose of mumps vaccine
The last three vaccinations must be given after 12 months of age.
As part of the school health program, certain screenings and examinations are required. Every student must have the following:
1. A complete medical examination upon entry into school, during the sixth and eleventh grades, and prior to issuing a work permit;
2. An annual vision screening;
3. Annually measuring the student's height and weight;
4. Periodic hearing screening;
5. Periodic tuberculosis testing;
6. Periodic scoliosis screening, and;
7. A dental examination upon entry into school and during the third and seventh grades.
Medical and dental examination results may be provided to the school by the parents or guardians of the student.
A complete health record is kept for each student. All of the screenings and/or examination results listed above are listed in this report, which is maintained by the school nurses. the report is confidential, and its information is released only when necessary. Any recommendations for health care will be provided to the parents by the school nurse.
Under Child Protection Service Law (11 P.S. 2201, e. seq.) Section 4b, the school has responsibility for accepting and servicing complaints of child abuse. As mandated reporters, any suspicion of abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, must be reported to the appropriate agencies. As concerned citizens, any person may report suspicions of abuse. The following are several agencies with which to get in contact:
Child Line: 1-800-932-0313
Children & Youth Services:
Lycoming County: 327-2405
Northumberland County: 988-4237
Union County: 524-4461